Top view of the Markarfljot river, South Coast Iceland
The world’s rivers are like an uninsured Ferrari being driven through an ice storm: exceptionally high value combined with inadvisably high level of risk and vulnerability.
Globally, rivers confront a range of threats, including from dam development. And just as reducing the Ferrari owner’s financial risk would require both legal compliance and better decision making, reducing rivers’ risks and securing their values will require diverse and durable protections.
In recent posts, I’ve examined how rivers and other freshwater systems have disproportionately high value—on less than 1% of the Earth’s surface they support more than half of all fish species and between 13 and 20% of global fish harvest—but they have generally been overlooked in conservation planning, and current levels of protection for rivers are relatively low in much of the world. Further, large rivers, which provide the greatest value in terms of fish harvests and species richness, tend to have considerably lower levels of protection compared to smaller rivers. And free-flowing rivers of all sizes, even those within protected areas like national parks, remain vulnerable to dam construction.
Some of the deficiencies in river protection arise from the mismatch of trying to safeguard a resource that is literally fluid—flowing river channels connect far-flung upstream tributaries to distant downstream deltas—within the fixed boundaries of a national park or other protected area. It’s comparable to covering your car with only a home insurance policy; strong protection while the car is parked in the garage but nonexistent as it flows around the streets of your city (the fact that, in some countries, dams can be built inside national parks indicates that even some home insurance policies need strengthening).
Rivers that remain free-flowing are particularly challenging to protect through national parks and other protected areas, which are nearly always defined by terrestrial boundaries. The exact same characteristics that make free-flowing rivers so valuable—their long distance connectivity that allows migratory fish to swim up and down and that delivers the sediment that economically valuable river deltas, like that of the Mekong, so desperately need to persist—is also what makes them so vulnerable and difficult to protect. A free-flowing river inside a national park is like a factory with supply chains stretched halfway across a continent – vulnerable to breaks and disruptions even hundreds of kilometers distant.
Although national parks and other protected areas will remain a critically important tool for protecting rivers, it will rarely be feasible to incorporate an entire river system, the entire far-flung network of supply chains, within the boundaries of a national park. More diverse tools will be needed to protect free-flowing rivers.
In a special issue of the journal Sustainability, a collection of papers by academics and conservation practitioners begins to explore that more diverse toolbox. Here I’ll review some of these tools, including those featured in articles of the special issue, alongside some other examples.
· National River Conservation Systems. These can be viewed as river-specific versions of protected areas but they are often not included in databases or inventories of traditional protected areas. As they are primarily focused on river management (e.g., precluding dam development on a designated stretch of river) they can potentially be applied to rivers, or portions of rivers, where a traditional national park designation for the surrounding region would be difficult to achieve. The best-known example is the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System in the United States, established in 1968 (though my home state of Ohio may have been the first political jurisdiction to establish such a system, passing the Ohio Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers Act six months before the Federal law). Other examples include the Canadian Heritage Rivers System and River Protection Reserves in Spain. New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and Finland also have river-specific protection mechanisms, and China is pursuing a system of National Protected Rivers.

Communities and citizens' groups opposed a dam proposed for the South Yuba River (California) and ... [+]
· Environmental Water Reserves, Mexico. Policies that govern water management (allocation of water volumes, regulation of extraction, etc.) are not typically viewed as river protection mechanisms. However, these policies have the potential to maintain critical values of a river, including its free-flowing status, over much or all of its length. In Mexico, a water allocation policy called Environmental Water Reserves (EWR) can be used to establish a monthly flow allocation for rivers. Proposed infrastructure, such as a dam, must demonstrate that its operation can be consistent with the monthly flows required by the EWR. Rivers with EWR requirements that are close to natural flow levels functionally have a high level of protection, as illustrated by decisions to withdraw proposals for hydropower dams from the San Pedro and Usumacinta rivers because the planned dams could not comply with the EWR, allowing these rivers to remain free flowing. In Mexico, a total of 44,000 kilometers of free-flowing rivers have EWR requirements defined for them.
“These new water reserves are revolutionary. They will transform the management of Mexico’s river basins, guaranteeing sufficient water supplies not just for tens of millions of people but for the environment as well," said Jorge Rickards, Director of WWF-Mexico.

The Usumacinta River in Mexico is the largest and most biodiverse river in Central America and has ... [+]
· Water Resource Protection Areas to maintain free-flowing rivers in Zambia. Mexico’s Environmental Water Reserves derive from a policy rooted in protection of drinking water that has been adapted to protect other values of rivers. The same evolution may happen in Zambia, where WWF is working to adapt a policy primarily focused on drinking water protection to also protect other values of rivers. WWF has proposed that the Luangwa River—a major tributary to the Zambezi River and one of the last large free-flowing rivers in southern Africa—be designated as a Water Resource Protection Area, which defines wetlands and other features important to maintain water and food security. Mapping of potential Water Resource Protection Areas across the country confirmed the importance of the Luangwa River and its headwaters. A hydropower dam was proposed for the Luangwa which would have created a reservoir that flooded parts of one of Zambia’s most popular and important national parks. WWF secured hundreds of thousands of signatures on a petition urging that the river be declared a Water Resource Protection Area and subsequently demonstrated that other hydropower projects, or other sources of generation, could meet electricity demand with dramatically lower impacts on people and nature. In the summer of 2019, the Zambian government halted the proposed dam and is exploring other options for generating electricity.
“There are other means [besides the dam] that can supply an equivalent amount of electricity like solar power and windmills that can be installed along the Muchinga escarpment, with less damage to the environment. I wish to thank the government for listening to our plea as [our region] has the potential to become another area of wildlife tourism in a few years,” said Senior Chief Luembe of the Nsenga people, who live along the Luangwa.

A herd of African elephants drinking from the Luangwa River in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia. ... [+]
· Protecting an entire river basin as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention. Although above I suggested that designating the entire basin of a large river as a protected area will rarely be feasible, in some places it may be possible. And one such place was Colombia’s Bita River, a major tributary of the Orinoco River. The river’s entire basin, over two million acres (nearly the size of Yellowstone National Park), was designated a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention—one of the first times that Ramsar, or any other form of protected area, has been applied to an entire river basin to protect a free-flowing river. Recognizing that a Ramsar designation alone wasn’t enough to sustain the river’s diverse resources, conservation organizations, government agencies, and communities and companies worked together on a set of management plans for the basin.

The entire river basin of the Bita River in Colombia has been designated a Wetland of International ... [+]
· Planning and policies that govern hydropower expansion can protect rivers. Planning and licensing processes for hydropower expansion can functionally protect rivers by designating certain rivers as “no-go areas,” as Norway has done, eventually formally protecting 388 rivers. In late 2020, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ended subsidies for small hydropower projects. Because the proliferation of small hydropower was a primary threat the country’s rivers, and because most of these proposed projects won’t be economically viable without subsidies, this policy change will likely maintain free-flowing conditions on nearly 80 rivers that otherwise would have been fragmented by dams.

Small hydropower projects can fragment rivers. Here a 9.9 MW hydropower dam in Albania dries up the ... [+]
Collectively, these tools, and others, can complement traditional protected areas to safeguard rivers. As noted by one of the papers in the special issue, because rivers have diverse values arising from diverse processes operating at a range of scales, more than one type of mechanism may be need to fully protect a river. For example, a traditional protected area designation could maintain local habitat quality of an important river while its basin-scale connectivity could be maintained through water and energy planning and licensing processes that protect downstream portions of the river from dam development.
This year will feature a new round of commitments to protect nature, under the Convention on Biological Diversity and other platforms. Increasing protections for rivers, including through diverse mechanisms to maintain the connectivity of free-flowing rivers, should be central to these commitments, as reflected in the recommendations from UN Water, the Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater, and a motion adopted during the World Conservation Congress.
Factories need secure supply chains, cars need insurance that covers them beyond the garage, and rivers need diverse mechanisms that can maintain them as connected, functioning systems.