CEO at LogDNA, the leading log management solution for DevOps teams.

I miss the office whiteboard.
Technology companies are notorious for whiteboard brainstorming and planning. They have power. People gather around them. You can walk up and point, adapt and contribute. People walking by see them, poke their heads in and add on. Erasing the work feels almost destructive and writing “DO NOT ERASE” creates powerful anchors for ideas and direction for action.
Throughout my career, many strategic plans started on a whiteboard and the absence of that tool feels symbolic of 2020. After a full year of the pandemic, cities are starting to reopen and companies are establishing what the future of work will look like for them. We’re learning what we miss, what we don’t and what we’re still unsure of. For some, an existing physical presence means reopening and making it possible to return to the office. For others, new patterns of work are emerging that will enable a permanent move to remote and hybrid operations. And some problems, like my elusive whiteboard, still need to be solved.
As a technology company CEO who’s complaining about a whiteboard, I understand that this industry has been very fortunate this year. We had most of the tools and resources in place to make an initial move to remote work. We don’t punch a clock and show up in person at a work site that requires a physical presence every day (like a restaurant or a manufacturing plant). But that doesn’t mean we didn’t experience significant challenges, and I’d like to share those and some of the lessons we’ve learned along the way.
Adapt to what you can’t fix. Here in the Bay Area, the commutes are notoriously brutal. Without them, there was an initial sense of “Wow, I just got a ton of time back.” We quickly remembered that time in the office separated us from chaos at home. During the pandemic, we traded the brutal commutes for 24/7 kids, dogs, doorbells, deliveries and simultaneous Zooms. Parents and partners quickly adapted by trading shifts and blocking schedules. We closed the door to bang out projects, and, in many ways, accepted distractions and surfed the chaos we couldn’t control.
And now, we’re all far more open to distractions and skilled (some days) in dealing with them. We’ve learned that there are some things you can’t fix; you can only adapt as best you can. Managers have embraced the occasional “forgot to mute” blunder, the random appearances of children and flexible working schedules during which the heavy lifting may come when the kids are asleep. The silver lining is that this shared experience has shown we are all people with lives, challenges and needs outside the office walls. We’ve created deeper connections and learned to lead with empathy. And honestly, we are better for it.
Combat the isolation and angst of being alone. Despite the whole family piled into your space, working from home can sometimes feel lonely, especially when you don’t have social opportunities outside of your house to serve as a relief valve. In our company, we like to celebrate wins in big ways. Zoom isn’t a substitute for a room full of people talking, laughing, joking and eating cake — so we’ve had to get creative.
The shift to working from home revealed a pre-pandemic problem that our remote employees already experienced that those of us based in an office failed to appreciate. Employees in smaller offices or permanent remote work situations were already federated — missing out on more than high-fives and cake. They often overworked themselves to match time-zone changes, couldn’t pick up a marker to contribute on the whiteboard and had less access to information and decision-making.
And it’s not their fault. As corporate leaders, we weren’t programming our work environment deliberately to adapt to remote workers. They were always an extension. We now see clearly that we have to be more intentional about communication, collaboration and access. Managers should make time for direct, personal outreach. The check-in call (not a chat message) to praise, troubleshoot or just listen must be prioritized to ensure teams have what they need to be successful.
Prioritize remote-first thinking and innovation for hybrid work environments. In our company, we’re adopting a “remote-first” model, which assumes there will never be situations when everyone is in the “room where it happens.” Based on this assumption, we’re building a framework that ensures that people feel included in conversations, celebrated for their accomplishments and contributions and secure in their roles. Why? Because it works for everyone — in the office, or not. It requires a period of over-indexing, experimentation, reflection and diligence to get it right.
No matter how progressive a workplace, the office demands you conform to the physical work patterns of the space. Now, the workplace, our habits and technology must conform to each of us. We’re all in different environments, and flexibility and change are the new normal. Technology needs to adapt to who we are, where we operate (that day) and how we work. We conformed to the whiteboard and other in-office activities. Now, the whiteboard must conform to us.
Share your models and experiences openly. For those problems we still struggle with, we should turn to peers and industry models. We need to share our experiences openly to create a more inclusive and equitable industry. Companies like GitLab have been a great source of inspiration for us, and were even thought partners as we created our remote-first framework. Another critical audience to tap into: your employees. They are living it. They want interaction and ownership, so enlist their help.
There is an opportunity for innovation beyond the whiteboard in the new frontier of work — making technology work for us, providing choices and integrating seamlessly with new ways of working. The move to “remote-first” isn’t perfect and there are still details to resolve, but we’ve made substantial progress.
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