It’s one of those articles where I would open with a very, very long sigh if you could hear me. After weeks of promising to fix damage mitigation issues in Outriders, the new patch has landed and…the community is more disheartened than ever, given the result.
The problem is a combination of Outriders not fixing lingering issues that were not included in this patch, but also the fact that many damage-based problems still seem to be happening, even if some were supposedly fixed.
The patch was supposed to address two very specific issues, the fact that sometimes your damage mitigation would drop out suddenly in certain situations, and that one particular enemy, the Brood Mother, would one-shot with a melee attack sometimes.
While frequencies of those two issues appear to maybe be reduced, players have been quick to post clips that show that damage issues are still present. Among them, I’ve seen clips of Brood Mothers and other enemies appearing to one-shot players with a melee, though the “explanation” is that maybe they had already been hit once for a small bit of damage, so technically this is two-shotting (but it very much looks and feels like one-shotting).
In addition to that, there’s the general sense that many enemies simply do too much damage at baseline. There’s a video of a Perforo, a tiny one, not an Alpha, taking 75% of a player’s health in one swing, which at any difficulty, on any build, doesn’t seem like it should be a thing. It would be like taking a pistol shot from a Dreg in Destiny and being near death in an instant.
Then there are of course all the issues that remain. Even seemingly simply bugs like all items being marked as “new” every time you open your menu is still happening. I have personally decided not to play Outriders again until they buff legendary drop rates, as I simply can’t stomach the Expedition gold tier grind for maybe one drop when I’m looking for one specific item out of a pool of 80. There is simply no reason for drop rates to be this low in a PvE only game that claims not to be a live service.
And the playerbase is still not amused that People Can Fly has pretty much only focused on nerfing abilities or bugs that have benefitted the player. This entire damage mitigation thing kicked off when PCF patched out a bug that allowed a permanent golem protection shield, reducing damage for an entire run. Previously, they patched out strong Trickster builds and that class has had its build options reduced dramatically since. Nothing underused has been buffed in skill trees, weapon types, perks, set bonuses, anything.
Square Enix has seemed happy with Outriders sales and there are implications it will be getting DLC or an expansion. But the playerbase is not happy with the pace and content of patches, and the state of the game more generally. We’ll have to wait and see what future patches bring now that some of the larger technical challenges seem to have passed.
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