MiHoYo seemed like it was trying to head off leaks and datamines by debuting three additional new Inazume heroes yesterday on its official channel, but more leaks started pouring out anyway, including what appears to be our first in-game look at Baal, who previously only had been glimpsed in (also leaked) story cutscenes.
While it’s too early to know if this is Baal’s final form, the general reaction to her appearance has been…muted, to say the least. Or quite loud in the negative direction.
Here’s what we think Baal looks like, according to these recent leaks:
The complaint is that for the Electro Archon, essentially a god in this universe, she looks a bit…plain, and players wish that she had a more exciting model. Previous Archons have been Venti, who I would argue doesn’t have the most exciting look either, and Zhongli, who…okay Zhongli is great.
But I think players had this idea of a grand mystical thunder god with flowing hair and robes and instead she looks closer to a generic NPC. Again, this is still early days and her design may not be final. I would not expect to see Baal until at least 1.7 or 1.8, if then, so there’s plenty of time for miHoYo to absorb and implement design feedback from this leak.

One interesting thing about this leak is that it seems to support a theory that Baal and Scaramouche, who we’ve seen in past storylines, are actually siblings, as they look close to identical and in-game lore seems to suggest this is the case. I don’t know if that makes him co-Archon or what, but suffice to say he’s going to be pretty powerful.
As for Baal, again, I think it’s going to be a while until we see her. Just because Inazuma is coming soon, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she has to arrive with it. After all we had Liyue a long time before Zhongli arrived, and it was even longer until we figured out he was the Geo Archon in the first place. With Baal, we’ll probably know from moment one, but we’ll have to see what miHoYo has planned for her release.
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