One example of a drawing by Dinos and Comics that highlights mental health topics this Mental Health ... [+]
There are some accounts on the internet where you laugh every once in a while and move on, but few where you constantly feel the account is somehow reading your mind or truly understands you. The kind you comment “mood” on, or “this is me” or “I relate” and need nothing else to go with it...every time they post.
For mental health, that is exactly what Dinos and Comics has created on Instagram and Twitter. Through drawing comics about a dinosaur and his friends, James, who writes the comics, and K, who does the art, have been keeping us entertained throughout the pandemic. The account is best described by its’ social media bio: “A comic about depressed dinosaurs who find hope in each other.”

The writer (Left, James) and artist (Right, K) artistically imagined as dinosaurs.
The account, started in September 2020, has now amassed more than 1.1 million followers on Instagram and almost 900K on Twitter, including many therapists and mental health advocates. The main age group of their followers is 25-35, or the millennial generation, and is made up of people from all over the world. James and K post on average 3 comics a day and say that helps because with so much content in such a short time period, the comics become quickly recognizable.
When asked why dinosaurs, James said, “I'd like to have some fancy answer about abstracting away from humanity helping to reveal it’s fundamental nature. But really, it was just because dinosaurs are cool. And I thought it’d be popular.” But, he acknowledges that it does make it a bit silly which “maybe lightens the dark topics it sometimes touches on, I think.”
The first drawing that really took off for them was one of two dinosaurs saying good night to each other. Though James now feels he can often predict which comics will go viral, that comic’s success still baffles him because the drawing is sweet and cheesy and even a bit simple. Even still, it remains one of their biggest comics (with fans even recreating it through sewing, for example) and that still surprises him.
James likes the comics the best that make a statement beyond just being relatable. Many of the ideas come from his own experiences dealing with Depression for a long time and his recent diagnosis of ADHD in 2019. While the stories may be exaggerated or communicated differently they are all based in his reality. And, both K and James get mental health benefits from doing the comics. K finds drawing therapeutic and the best escape from anxious thoughts. James says comics are easier for him to do with his ADHD than writing long form. He can get himself to pay attention for 4 panels.
Yet, though James often picks a therapist’s office setting for the comic, it is not because he has done a lot of therapy himself. Instead, it is because it is a good frame for deep, otherwise serious, and even uncomfortable conversation.
He explains, “If I can't think of how a topic will come up in a normal conversation, I can just go to the therapy template and go well, the therapist might ask this. Sometimes a conversation would seem very weird if it was just between two normal people, but makes more sense as a question in a therapist’s office….They're asking [people] to think about things in a way a friend wouldn't ask you, to dig deeper in a way a friend probably wouldn't.”
Showing therapy has an added benefit, too. It normalizes it in a subtle, yet humorous way. Therapy then seems more casual and part of every day life. Just “another scene” and “another relationship.”
As the year has gone on, we have all needed mental breaks to laugh and to think about something besides Covid-19. Thanks to Dinos and Comics, here are 5 totally relatable ways to do just that:
1) On Work/Sleep Balance:
2) On How To Talk To Friends:
3) On Impostor Syndrome:
4) On Therapy:
5) On Work From Home:
Next up for Dinos and Comics is their first book “Dinosaur Therapy”(The book is now available to preorder here). Published by Harper Collins, the book is a collection of some of the pair’s favorite comics, as well as several new comics exclusive to print. James explained, “It’s exciting that all the work we’ve put in to the comic is going to be made a material tangible thing you can hold.” He hopes that the book will be popular with people who’ve been following the comic from the start who want to reread some of their favorites, but also hopes that it will help reach a broader audience, one who might not be as tuned in to social media as the existing audience.
Whether it is through social media, their upcoming book, or through the gear from their shop, shopdinosaur.com, in the end, the comic is exposing many different types of people to mental health that otherwise might have never even thought about the topic. As a result, it can do a lot to decrease stigma.
James says, “Some of the comics will make [readers] think about things they might not have thought about. But then I don't want to sound too grandiose. If I can offer someone a little bit of catharsis or a little bit of ‘I'm not alone,’ that's enough. I don't really need to believe that I'm expanding people's minds, if I'm just making people smile for two minutes, instead of feeling down then that's enough on its own.”
Given the social media following Dinos and Comics has amassed, he clearly has accomplished that goal. We could all really use 2 minutes of smiling right now.