Aiming for truth
As more and more companies adopt AI, a question arises - can the federal government keep up with all the changes from a regulatory perspective? In some cases, the federal government is behind (see Why Are Technology Companies Quitting Facial Recognition?). But not the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
In a recent blog post, the FTC has warned companies that they have sufficient laws to enforce truth, fairness, and equity when enforcing the developers and users of AI. The FTC essentially says that companies need to hold themselves accountable for their AI, or the FTC will take enforcement action against them.
The FTC's primary focus is on consumer protection. They want to ensure that companies are not discriminating by race or other legally protected classes. They currently have three laws that they can apply to a company's use of AI:
1) The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), making it illegal to use a biased algorithm that results in credit discrimination.
2) The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), making it illegal to use an algorithm to deny people employment, housing, etc.
3) Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices.
The FTC offers seven recommendations on how to use AI truthfully, fairly, and equitably.
1) Understand Your Data Foundation
If your data has insufficient information about legally protected groups, the AI model may result in unfair or inequitable results. Think about ensuring your data is balanced appropriately and designing your AI models to account for any known data gaps.
2) Test Your Outcomes
You may have done the foundational work to clean and normalize your data, but what about the results? What if your well-intentioned algorithm perpetuates racial inequity? What if your algorithm results in discrimination based on gender? You don't want to be investigated by the FTC due to inequitable results from your AI algorithm.
3) Enable transparency and independence
Consider using transparent frameworks and independent standards for your algorithms. By opening your data to outside inspection, you free yourself from the burden of having to test everything by yourself. Independent researchers will help bring any existing bias to light, enabling you to make corrections to previously unknown biases.
4) Underpromise What Your Algorithm Can Do
You may believe that you built your AI algorithm with data that lacks racial or other bias. However, because those biases are not always obvious, let business and consumers know that you have tested for bias. Still, that lack of bias isn't guaranteed. You should put clear, descriptive statements about the algorithm's calculations in your advertising, online, and elsewhere, including all of the information that can be inferred about the algorithm's performance. Any deception may draw an FTC enforcement action.
5) Disclose How You Use Data
The FTC filed a complaint against Facebook for allegedly misleading consumers about using facial recognition, telling consumers they could opt-in when Facebook was using their photographs by default. Successful action by the FTC can result in severe fines, along with the requirement to delete the ill-gotten data and the models using that data, setting a company back years in their AI initiatives.
6) Do More Good Than Harm
The way the FTC measures fairness is whether or not a practice causes more harm than good. Suppose your AI model causes or is likely to cause substantial harm to consumers. In that case, the FTC can challenge the use of the model by determining its fairness.
7) Hold Yourself Accountable - Or The FTC Will Do It For You
If your algorithm results in discrimination against a protected class, you could find yourself facing a complaint from the FTC. The FTC takes allegations of discrimination very seriously. It's essential to hold yourself accountable for your algorithm's performance. The FTC's recommendations for transparency and independence can help you do just that. But keep in mind that if you don't hold yourself accountable, the FTC may do it for you.
As you grow in your usage of AI, be aware of, and keep your approach grounded in the FTC consumer protection principles.