Can a spending binge save California Governor Gavin Newsom, who faces a recall election this fall because of his incompetence—and hypocrisy—in handling the pandemic?

Thanks to a huge, one-time budget surplus and wads of cash from Washington, Newsom has unveiled a $100 billion “California Comeback Plan.” 

A more accurate name would be the Save Gavin Newsom Plan. 

While Newsom’s scheme might salvage his political career, this episode of What’s Ahead explains why it does nothing to alleviate the structural flaws—among them sky-high taxes, crushing regulations and destructive housing policies—that has given the Golden State the highest poverty rate in the nation. 

Instead, it shovels out “stimulus” checks to voters that will arrive—surprise, surprise—just before the recall election and showers powerful interests with billions of dollars. 

Talk about a wasted opportunity!