Madden 21 on Next-Gen
EA has spent much of the last year telling its Madden franchise mode career that significant improvements are coming in the next iteration of the game. That next version is expected to arrive in August, and if history is any indication, gamers could be set to get their first looks at franchise mode and other details in June.
Last year, the Madden 21 cover athlete was revealed on June 16, and some of the other details of the game came into focus later in that month in 2020.
EA has shared a detailed roadmap designed to transparently illustrate its plan to improve a franchise mode that has lagged woefully behind other sports titles. There are some critical questions fans hope to have answered.
Here are four of them.
Is Create-A-Team and Expansion Be in?
When it comes to customization in franchise mode, Madden has the barest of options. You cannot create teams within your franchise mode, and while there is a possibility for relocation, there is no expansion.
NBA 2K offers that option, and many Madden franchise fans are hoping that gap is filled.
Will Trade Logic Be Improved?
Trades have been a mess in Madden for years. EA tackled its trade logic issues as part of the initial franchise-improvement plans, but they still aren’t as good as they need to be.
More work is needed to improve the trade value of draft picks and more.
Will Franchise Presentation Be Improved?
This is a big one. Immersion is everything in a franchise mode, and EA lacks in a significant way in this category. The presentation between weeks, during injuries, at halftime, pre-game and post-game is bland and nearly non-existent.
If EA can find a way to deliver attractive and relevant presentation exclusively for franchise mode players, it’ll make a serious mark with the community.
Will We See a Coaching Carousel?
One of the nicest things about the franchise mode experience during the series’ glory years was watching the coaching carousel.
Older players became coordinators, head coaches, etc. We’ve seen some evidence suggesting coordinators are coming to Madden 22, so hopefully, that idea will expound in Madden 22.