Officials in California will give out more than $115 million in prize money to residents who are vaccinated against Covid-19, the state announced Thursday, the latest state to combat slowing vaccination rates by offering cold hard cash as an incentive to get inoculated.

Syringe and money.
Key Facts
Next month, all Californians who are at least partially vaccinated will be entered into a series of statewide lotteries: Ten people will win $1.5 million grand prizes on June 15, and another 30 people will win $50,000 each in the first two weeks of June.
The state is also giving out $50 gift cards to the first 2 million Californians ages 12 and over who line up for vaccine shots starting Thursday.
Residents won’t receive their winnings until they’re fully vaccinated.
The state of California will foot the “Vax for the Win” program’s $116.5 million bill.
Crucial Quote
“These are real incentives,” California Gov. Gavin Newson (D) said Thursday afternoon. “These are an opportunity to say thank you to those not only seeking to get vaccinated as we move forward, but also those who have been vaccinated since we first availed those opportunities a number of months ago.”
Big Number
22.1 million. That’s how many Californians are at least partially vaccinated as of Thursday, according to the CDC, meaning 56% of the state’s residents decided protection against Covid-19 was a good enough incentive to roll up their sleeves.
Key Background
U.S. vaccination rates have slipped over the last few weeks, falling from a peak of 3.4 million shots per day in mid-April to 1.7 million this week, and millions of Americans remain wary of getting vaccinated. Several states have responded to this trend by offering up cash incentives for newly vaccinated residents. Ohio is giving out $1 million prizes to five vaccinated adults and full-ride college scholarships to five vaccinated teenagers, New York is offering free scratch tickets at some vaccination sites, and West Virginia has promised $100 savings bonds to vaccinated people ages 16 to 35.
Surprising Fact
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) has credited his “Vax-a-Million” sweepstakes with boosting daily vaccinations by 45% in recent weeks, reversing a downward trend.
Further Reading
Ohio Will Give Out $1 Million Randomly To Vaccinated Residents (Forbes)