A new employee's success is often contingent on how well they are trained. This is why onboarding is such a critical stage in a new hire’s tenure at a company. Their future successes and failures can often be traced back to the quality of their onboarding.

To help ensure that new hires thrive at your company, 12 members of Forbes Coaches Council shared their insights on effective onboarding processes. Below, they offer advice for welcoming new hires and setting them up for success.

1. Reflect The Workplace Model In The Process

If the company has chosen a hybrid model, for example, that should be reflected in the onboarding process. A combination of in-person and virtual meetings gives recruits an accurate representation of the workplace and a chance to meet colleagues face-to-face. Additionally, it gives the managers an opportunity to clarify the company’s hybrid model and communicate employee expectations. It should also be a time to establish the company’s culture and values. - Michael Timmes, Insperity

2. Assign A Partner For The First 90 Days

Assign them a “First 90 Days” partner. When you give your new employees a go-to buddy who has been in the organization longer, they have a person to tap for questions, clarification or just a pick-me-up without stress. Ideally, this is not someone on their direct team. This also provides a chance for tenured employees to welcome and integrate new people. - Stacey Staaterman, Stacey Staaterman Coaching & Consulting

3. Include Weekly Itineraries In Your Plan

Write a 90-day onboarding plan that includes weekly itineraries, with clearly defined expectations and key learnings for the first 30 days, and then outlines specific objectives for growth in the next 60 days. This helps your team know how to approach training and support a new hire as they adjust to their new role. - Anna-Vija McClain, Piccolo Marketing

4. Customize Onboarding For Each New Hire

Any new hire is chosen for what they bring to the table. That said, they need to understand the context better to start creating value. This is where an effective onboarding plan is incredibly useful. Beyond the general organizational orientation, a manager or leader should customize the onboarding plan for each new hire, with required reading and scheduled times for meeting people and shadowing others. - DN Prasad, GovTech, Singapore

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5. Create A Standard Operating Procedure

Onboarding is often a time-consuming and frustrating process. To negate this, my team has created a standard operating procedure for new hires. This consists of instructional videos, informational documents and an Asana checklist, which new team members can tick off as they go. It has massively reduced the time spent onboarding people, and it gets new hires up to speed and productive more quickly. - Allan Dib, Successwise

6. Cover Everything With A Robust System

Too often onboarding processes are haphazardly thrown together and leave a new employee scrambling for answers. If you want to be effective in your onboarding, create a robust system that covers everything. This could be a 90-day process that helps integrate them into your company. After a year has passed, have a follow-up program that serves as the next level of onboarding. - Jon Dwoskin, The Jon Dwoskin Experience

7. Help Them Transition Into Your Cultural Norms

Onboarding is not limited to the technical aspects of the new role; it also includes a successful transition into the organization’s cultural norms. When developing the ideal onboarding strategy for new hires at any level, consider what resources and relationships are critical to their understanding of the written and unwritten norms for operating successfully within your organization. - Sheila Carmichael, Transitions D2D, LLC

8. Help Them Envision Their Future At The Company

To build psychological trust and loyalty, onboard new employees in a way that helps them envision a long future at the company. Take the employee on a journey of discovery about the company that includes facts, intangibles and stories from people regarding their work experience and tenure at the company. In the end, they should feel enthusiastic and ready to make an impact. - Arthi Rabikrisson, Prerna Advisory

9. Create An Internal Sponsorship Program

Whether it’s an employee who is new to your company or someone moving from one department and integrating into another, I always recommend that the company create a formal sponsorship program. In such a program, new employees are assigned a sponsor who can help them acclimate to the new position. This process was used with great effectiveness in the Air Force, and I have seen it work just as well in business. - John Knotts, Crosscutter Enterprises

10. Schedule Get-To-Know-You Meetings With Key Staff

From the start, it is crucial for a new employee to quickly integrate into the corporate culture, with its complex, unfamiliar relationships and informal networks. Don’t leave that to chance. Schedule get-to-know-you meetings between them and key employees in advance. The necessary infrastructure and tools, such as mobile, PC, software or email accounts, should be available from day one and not weeks later. - Michael Thiemann, Strategy-Lab™

11. Assign Them At Least One Mentor

Their mentor does not have to be in their department, or even in the same city; regardless, the relationship can help both parties. The more tenured employee brings a seasoned perspective, and the new hire brings energy to the relationship. Don’t underestimate this often overlooked tenet. - John M. O’Connor, Career Pro Inc.

12. Have All Needed Tools And Resources Ready To Go

Give them the tools and resources they need to be successful. Some people hit the ground running and want to perform right away. To do so, they need access to the tools and resources they will need. There is nothing more demotivating than starting with a company that isn’t prepared for you to do your job right away. Be ready for your new employees! - Purdeep Sangha, Sangha Worldwide