Are these apps draining your smartphone battery fast?
We live in an age of battery anxiety. And there’s no battery more important than the one in our cellphones. So, a new study of which apps devour the battery is very revealing.
A new study by cloud storage company pCloud has revealed the 20 most power-hungry apps on smartphones. The results, revealed in a blog from the company, were derived from studying apps permissions to understand which apps demanded the most from our phones, and the battery consumption that followed. pCloud analyzed the features each app used, such as camera or location, the battery usage required by these and whether dark mode, which saves energy on OLED screen phones, for instance, was available.
Features that apps permit to run in the background that were deemed to be battery killers, as well as camera and location, included microphone and wifi connection.
So, which are the apps which are caning your battery and that you might consider deleting?

Are these the most demanding apps on smartphones just now?
Top of the heap is Fitbit. Well, the app is doubtless exchanging information with your phone, for instance, if you’re out for a run and it’s using the phone’s GPS, something that can really reduce battery life at the best of times.
Then, apparently, it’s Verizon. Well, at least, if that’s not your carrier then you won’t have it on your handset. The next three are Uber, Skype and Facebook. Facebook is no surprise, if the fevered way I used to check for updates is a common experience. Uber is a surprise, because although when you’ve hailed a ride the usage is clearly intense, I didn’t know it was doing stuff behind the scenes, in the background, too.
Social media apps seem to be big culprits of battery burn, with Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp and LinkedIn all making the top 20 of the most demanding apps.
And then there’s online dating. As pCloud puts it,” Our study found that online dating drains your phone battery just as much as your emotions. Online dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble and Grinder make up 15% of the top killer apps, allowing on average 11 features to run in the background.”
Since Grindr, for instance, constantly tells you how far away prospective suitors are, it’s not surprising that there’s a lot of usage of data, GPS and more. Plus, as the study points out, none of these three have dark mode.
Other apps in the top 50 were found to use features like contacts, call information, calendar and SMS. The study also took into account how much on-device storage was used by the apps. Since phone storage is finite and often only reaches about 64GB, this can be important, too.
Apps like United Airlines (437MB), Lyft (325MB) and Uber (299MB) were big storage hogs, according to pCloud. Microsoft Teams uses 232MB of storage while Zoom takes up just 82MB. If your phone has little free space, it can slow down the performance, so choosing apps which are less gluttonous in their storage demands may help.
The pCloud blog is very interesting and, even if you don't delete a single app, could at least give you more information with which to arm yourself.