This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on how to effectively use video to grow your business.

Did you know that businesses that use video find revenue grows 47% faster than those who don’t?

So, it’s a no-brainer, right? Jump on the IGTV/Reels/TikTok/YouTube/Facebook/LinkedIn/Website bandwagon and watch your top line grow.

Realistically, it’s not quite that easy. Many of us get camera shy when we hit the “record” button. You may be hypercritical of the way you look or sound on camera. Or perhaps you just don’t like that feeling of being watched. In fact, that’s so common it actually has a name -scopophobia, the fear of being stared at. You may blush, sweat or feel your heart race – you’re basically having a panic attack.

Well, you can be great on video and I’m going to teach you how.

First, A Primer on Video Types

Let’s take a quick look at different types of videos you can make:

The Explainer: a simple “how-to” video that teaches us how to do or make something. BTW “How To ... “ is a top question on google.

The Review/Demo: grow sales or establish yourself as an expert by demo-ing and explaining products or services.

The Interview: you can either be the interviewer or the interviewee, but in both cases, you choose the questions so it’s a great way to control the narrative and tell your story.

The Live Show: recording in real time allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level because you are showing vulnerability. They’re connecting because you seem real.

 Consider adding video to your marketing strategy. The power of social media in terms of reach and influence is massive. And as platforms and formats continue to evolve, you don’t want to be left in the dust. Remember what Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And video makes us feel.

Identify Your Purpose

Before you grab your camera and jump into the world of video, take a moment to figure out your purpose. What are you actually trying to accomplish with your video?

Some logical answers may include:

I want to sell more of my product or service.

I want to establish myself as an expert or authority in my field.

I want to spread the word about my new business.

I want to meet and befriend people all over the world.

I just want my voice to be heard.

All of these are great answers, and, in all cases, video can help achieve your goal.

Before You Start, Figure Out Who YOU Are

Identifying your personality or brand identity, and sticking with it, is key. You want your videos to consistently reflect your personality or brand’s identity because that creates trust which is a huge factor in successful videos.

Here are some questions to help you establish who you, or your brand, really are:

What do you do? Don’t get caught in the weeds. Try to provide a thorough answer in fewer than 30 seconds.

What differentiates you from your peers and competitors? Have on easy recall a short, concise explanation why viewers should choose you over someone or something else.

What are your core values? Focus on your culture, identifying both the tangible and intangible characteristics that make you unique or special.

Why do others need you? What service can you provide or what gap can you fill? Explain to viewers how they will be better with your product or service.

Now Figure Out Who THEY Are and What THEY Want

Understanding who your audience is and what they want is a key step in delivering an effective video message. It’s important to learn as much as you can about them so you can personalize your message and appeal to their style and interests.

Are they young, old, Gen Z, Gen X, millennials, baby boomers, male, female, others? Are they a particular ethnicity, race, geography, religion or culture? Do they hold a particular set of beliefs or attitudes? How much do they already know about you and your product or service?

And finally, identify why they are watching and what they want to learn or buy. After all, you don’t want to try to sell snow shovels to people in Florida! Perhaps facilitate this process by creating a poll on your social media platforms, something like “Hey guys, what do you want to know more about?”

Stay tuned for my next article on How To Create A Killer Presentation.