CEO and Founder of QA Madness, overseeing tech startups and seasoned players` business processes and software quality assurance globally.

I hate to spend time on things that seem to have little value in the long run. I believe that every business activity should have a background (why am I doing it?) and be a part of a bigger picture (how will it benefit the company?). In other words, when it comes to business affairs, each of your actions should have a purpose. So when I see people investing their time and resources into processes and activities without understanding their value, I am perplexed.
Sometimes managers complete routine tasks mechanically, even if it’s time to delegate those responsibilities and focus on the strategic areas instead. Probably, that’s why stories about business owners and top managers stuck in day-to-day operations and struggling with personal efficiency are quite common. The good news is that there is a way out. As soon as a person reviews their task pool and sets their priorities correctly, they will be able to boost efficiency. Following the rules below will help to kick-start this process.
1. Don’t look for extra time. Instead, decide which activities to count out.
If it seems that you constantly lack time, don’t wish for a magic way to make a day longer. Instead, decide which of the tasks you do are no longer worth doing. Work for the sake of the process doesn’t benefit business performance. Taking a result-oriented approach, on the contrary, can give you a better understanding of how to organize the process with the least effort.
For this, ensure you see the destination point clearly and have an understanding of where the company is heading and what it should achieve. With that in mind, you will be able to set realistic and measurable goals and define the necessary means to reach them.
2. Hire reliable people, and learn to delegate.
Instead of trying to figure out how to find time for this or that, ask yourself who else can do the task. Still, people often find it complicated to delegate their responsibilities. Some managers believe they are the only ones who can handle a specific assignment. In these instances, the solution is simple: If no specialist can help you out, it’s time to hire a new person. Otherwise, you are dealing with needless overthinking.
Others might simply lack the confidence to assign important tasks to someone else because they don’t know how to verify the result. To deal with this, set a clear objective, make sure a person understands what you expect and establish measurable indicators for completion.
3. Focus on results instead of the number of completed tasks.
Efficiency isn’t measured by the number of things done; it is measured by the results one’s actions bear. Otherwise speaking, a manager shouldn’t be involved in daily operations on a regular basis. They shouldn’t be an expert in everything, trying to participate and supervise marketing, sales, recruitment and so on simultaneously. Instead of becoming a jack-of-all-trades, a manager should assemble a team where every member specializes in a particular niche and is responsible for the part they do best.
That being said, it is OK for managers to get involved in daily operations in exceptional cases, such as:
• If there's a need to revise the performance of a certain person, team or department, update or clarify their goals, and adjust the scope of tasks.
• A team is dealing with a complicated or controversial case, and a key decision-maker is the one to approve the final decision.
The rest of the time, the person in charge should be setting clear tasks and providing the necessary resources to keep processes running smoothly.
4. Press pause for a while.
This idea might seem inconsistent at first. However, if you refuse to take a break, efficiency gets compromised. Don’t try to come up with ideas and improvements while you are occupied with other processes. We already know that multitasking doesn’t work in practice. Therefore, I believe it is crucial to allocate time specifically for thinking. Find time for analysis and reflection, even when you are overwhelmed with work (or, rather, especially when you are overwhelmed with work). Take your time to answer the following questions:
• Where is your company heading? What are your business goals?
• What actions need to be taken to achieve these goals?
• What processes are aligned with the business goals?
• What interferes with the efficiency and requires adjustments?
• What resources do you need to initiate the changes?
Tasks tend to pile up. If you decide to analyze the situation and make changes after you are done with the current pool of duties, a to-do list will keep growing. You risk postponing optimization until the situation gets out of control.
5. Recognize that efficiency is not about doing more.
Efficiency is a way to achieve set goals by doing the least amount of work possible. The feeling that there are not enough hours in a day to complete all of your tasks is the first sign signaling the need for change. In this case, it makes sense to revise a company's business processes in relation to the performance and find the weaknesses. It may be outdated software, a lack of automation of the routine processes, a need for team rearrangements or something else that causes trouble. Detect the vulnerabilities and find the fixes. Ultimately, this optimization will allow doing less while boosting a company’s performance.
To Sum Up
A business owner, team leader and any other person in charge of business processes need to take a helicopter view of how the company develops. Even if you like to engage in daily operations, at this stage, these are not your responsibilities. Keep supporting your team, but don’t dive into micromanagement. Your task now is to make sure the team is complete and has the necessary resources to keep the company heading in the right direction.
Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?