The federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has completely changed the way it looks at incarceration over the past year. Tens of thousands of inmates were transitioned to home confinement instead of serving their prison term in crowded institutions. While the agency has come under fire from both the US Senate and House of Representatives, things could have been far worse than the 237 inmate and 4 BOP staff deaths as a result of COVID-19.
The vaccine was made available to inmates and BOP staff earlier this year. The numbers of vaccinations have not been impressive, which hovers around 50% for both inmates and staff ... not a good number. However, even if those vaccination numbers increase, a recent study suggests that that might not be enough to control infections in prison.
An article published in March in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), “Vaccination plus Decarceration - Stopping COVID-19 in Jails and Prisons,” highlighted a problem for those in prison, even if they are vaccinated;
“... even a vaccine with seemingly adequate efficacy, pace, and coverage may be insufficient to alter the fundamental population dynamics that produce high disease prevalence.”
There are a number of contributing factors for this. First, there will continue to be low vaccination rates in prison because the BOP currently lacks to authority to mandate vaccination for both staff and inmates. As of early May, nearly all inmates and staff members had the opportunity to take the vaccine. It is unlikely that these numbers will change, though with some of the vaccines moving their status for “emergency approval” to “approval” may give BOP administration more power insist on mandatory vaccinations for staff (though the BOP Union may not go along so easily).
Another issue is the turnover of inmates and the coming-and-going of staff. Federal prisons release and take in inmates every day, creating a new dynamic of exposure. The current BOP protocol calls for a 14 day quarantine for new inmates entering the BOP, usually by means of locking inmates in solitary confinement ... mentally taxing. The transfer of inmates to home confinement continues but it is not known for how much longer that program, instituted as part of the CARES Act, will continue.
The NEJM article points to an issue that few have addressed, the efficacy of the vaccine in an environment like prisons. In environments like prisons, where there are so many un-vaccinated people, living in close concentrated areas, vaccines, even those with high efficacy rates, may not be able to keep up with the reproduction of a COVID-19 viral spread. The paper stated, “... even a vaccine with seemingly adequate efficacy, pace, and coverage may be insufficient to alter the fundamental population dynamics that produce high disease prevalence.” The only real solution then would be to continue with some plan that leads to a reduction of prison population. The same was concluded by the authors of the NEJM article;
“Vaccination of incarcerated people is important for changing this dynamic, but it is not enough. We believe that it must be coupled with large-scale decarceration to increase the real-world effectiveness of vaccination, disrupt wide-ranging viral transmission chains, and turn off the epidemiologic pump that puts the health of all at risk from mass incarceration.”
The BOP reports (as of May 31, 2021) that there are 60 federal inmates and 132 BOP staff who have confirmed positive test results for COVID-19 nationwide. According to the BOP’s website, there are currently only 304 outstanding COVID-19 cases. There are over 150,000 inmates in federal prison.