Expanding a business's product base usually requires a lot of research. It relies heavily on the business's existing user base, what they want and the capabilities of the company's facilities. Project expansion has several facets that entrepreneurs usually overlook in the early planning stages. Unfortunately, doing so could lead to much larger complications later down the road. A company's project expansion strategy should cater to these issues before they become untenable.
When putting together an expansion strategy, a business owner should keep the company's goals in mind. Unfortunately, there's no solid guide for building a comprehensive plan for expanding a company's product line. Yet, an entrepreneur can take actions to make it less likely their strategy will fall through. Below, 15 members of Forbes Business Council explore some of the critical things entrepreneurs ought to pay attention to during their product expansion strategy planning.

Forbes Business Council members offer advice on creating a strategy for expanding the product line of a business.
Photos courtesy of the individual members.1. Understand How To Reach Your Audience
When building a strategy for product expansion, it is important to understand who your target audience is and how best to reach that audience. The key element in any offering is to find and maximize perceived value and then target your message to that audience. The best way to find value is to ask what your target's point of pain is and then develop strategies to alleviate it. - Stephen Blair, Lyceum Insurance Services LLC
2. Know Your Customer Segmentation
Know your customer segmentation very well. Will the additional features help your existing customers? Will it help you move the next big segment? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you prioritize. - Rohan Pasari, Cialfo
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3. Account For Nuances Of New Market
A successful product expansion strategy accounts for nuances of the new target market—namely, the different needs, values and use cases in the market. The one step to ensure success is to build a proof of concept with early user testing and with a staged rollout to follow. This can give you critical data early, allowing incremental refinement of your product to meet the market without burning resources. - Cybele Negris, Webnames.ca Inc.
4. Know Why The Expansion Is Needed
Have a really solid hypothesis of why the product expansion is needed in the market, and where it will fit in the overall landscape. You don't have to always have the most advanced or the cheapest on the market to make your product successful—it depends on the dynamics of the market you are serving at the time. Many times, timing and packaging your product story better than the competitors can be the key. - Ahmad Gaber, WellHealth
5. Engage The Community
Engage the community to incubate and grow from the inside. Uber perfected this strategy in their European market expansion with a small team of five individuals and a dedicated community manager. The objective of this role is to determine the product-market fit and adapt to cultural nuances. - Paul Prior, GRY. MTTR.
6. Focus On Product-Market Fit
Focus on product-market fit and your ideal persona to continue building the right product for your audience. You can increase the LTV of your ideal customer by asking what follow-on products they need through strategic interviews, interactive focus groups and influencer discussions. Product developers should then design based on customer demand and persona needs at the core of new user-centered designed products. - Silvia Mah, Ad Astra Ventures
7. Understand How It Ties To Your Mission
When building a strategy, we need to understand how it ties into the overarching mission of the company. On the other end of the spectrum, we must then learn how to take the strategy and turn it into practical and applicable tactics for implementation. A strategy, when sandwiched between these two entities, becomes very powerful, relatable and achievable. - Tarek Statico, Statico LLC
8. Ensure It Aligns With Core Competencies
A company must evaluate if its product expansion is aligned with and further enhances their core competencies. If a company engages in a product expansion that deviates from its competency, they will need to potentially find new customers and manage separate products. This may require expertise in different fields and potentially different distribution channels, which can eat up valuable resources. - Reid Rubenstein, RefiJet
9. Bring In Additional Talent
Bring in extra talent, whether temporary or permanent. Don't ask your current team members to reallocate their focus to provide the impeccable attention required for a launch—unless that's specifically what your company does as its unique selling proposition. - Mandy Cavanaugh, Team Housing Solutions
10. Seek Consensus Of Team Members
Seek consensus of your team members on capacity, capability and timing. We often consider our expansion strategy as a means of growth without appreciating the potential impact of too fast, too soon. Expansion is always fraught with risk and must be carefully weighed with your ability to expand in a way that does not hinder growth or compromises quality of products or services provided. - Kerry Adler, SkyPower Global Group
11. Understand The Competitive Landscape
Really understand the competitive landscape. Call the sales centers of five or six of your competitors to hear how they sell and describe their products. Write that down, make sure your team knows what those features are and look for the gap to articulate how you're different and how you're better. Bring those lessons back to your expansion strategy. - Alex Benjamin, You Move Me
12. Don't Expand Too Broadly Or Quickly
Don't try to expand too broadly or too quickly. You can’t be all things to all people. Entrepreneurs should ask themselves, “Is my ultimate goal the growth of the company and gaining market share, or is it more about making a profit by giving consumers what they want and need?” Your brand might not be a household name (yet), but that shouldn't stop you. - Whitaker Irvin Jr., Q Hydrogen Solutions Corporation
13. Be Aware Of New Tax Challenges
Be aware of tax challenges that arise as your products are sold across state lines. One major issue to consider is "physical presence." There are many aspects that can affect whether you have "nexus" in a state for income tax purposes, such as how sales are made, where they are concluded or how products are delivered. Make sure your accountant has experience in multistate sales tax issues. - Beatrice Bianchi Fasani, Bianchi Fasani Law, PA
14. Have A Digital Platform Presence
Having a digital platform presence for the new product is imperative to success. It should exist to drive traffic, amplify SEO and serve as an opportunity to educate and expand the conversation, driving interest for potential consumers. The digital "storefront" sells your service, enticing and engaging consumers in a meaningful way that drives your bottom line and connects to your brand identity. - Mark Daniels, M+A Architects
15. Always Look At Your Numbers
Too many companies try to create product expansion without looking at numbers on a consistent basis, as well as how those numbers affect other parts of the company. A lot of entrepreneurs will expand their product lines versus improving current products first. Expanding upon products is usually more costly and can take the focus off of other product goals. - Doug C. Brown, Business Success Factors