Positive online reviews, user-generated feedback, comments and content are all invaluable for building credibility and authority in your space. What if you could purposefully integrate your happy customers’ satisfying experiences with your offerings directly into your messaging?

With the right approach, it could result in a potent mix of content that can be repurposed and reimagined across campaigns. Here, 15 experts from Forbes Communications Council offer their best insights on how you can get your customers involved in your brand’s marketing efforts.

1. Start With The Goal

The goal should almost always be customer success. Engagement tactics follow. Share success stories, submit award applications for customer campaigns, invite them to co-present at events, have them participate in media interviews and include them in videos and social campaigns. Remember, a customer is a living, breathing human being. Celebrate both the customer’s brand and the people behind it. - Juhi Hajela, BlueStacks

2. Promote How They’ve Innovated With Your Product

Promote how someone, either as an individual contributor or as part of a team, solved a problem in a unique or innovative way using your company’s product or service. The focus is more on the approach, however, and less about the product. It would be even better to nominate this individual or team for industry awards related to the topic so that more people can find out about the success story. - Subrata Chakrabarti, Kyndi, Inc.

3. Create A Customer Advisory Board

A customer advisory board is a great way to engage customers, get their input and share marketing efforts. Many customers want to help by telling their story of how you are helping them. We have done a number of videos with customers telling their own stories. Social media is a perfect place to share these stories and videos in bite-sized pieces. - Lori Stafford-Thomas, Checkr

4. Gamify Customer Feedback Systems

You will first need to define the goal, and then understand and segment your customers. I believe that using gaming would assist you with this. Gaming is what people like and what they are familiar with, so why not use it for feedback? At our company, we have created different platforms and solutions for this purpose. We have found that almost all of our customers like it and they are more engaged. - Anthony Wong, Attensi

5. Do A Shout-Out Campaign To Brag About Their Efforts

Focus on your client and their success! Think of it as a shout-out campaign. I’ve found success in the past doing a “Customers That Wow Us” campaign. Weekly, we’d select one client who implemented our services and overcame their challenge. We tagged them on social and shared their case study, videos, images or any content we had to brag about their efforts and accomplishments. - April Jones, Delivering Happiness

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6. Showcase Client Case Studies And Testimonials

Case studies and client testimonials are very effective ways to showcase the success of your products or services with past or existing customers, who really are best placed to be advocates of your brand. They provide credible resources and real-life use cases for potential new customers, raising awareness of your brand and helping you to grow your reputation and trust in your business. - Astrid Pocklington, Enghouse Interactive

7. Let Them Speak Openly About Your Company

Ideally, customers should be included in all marketing efforts. Let your customers speak openly about what they like or dislike about your company; engage them in videos, press announcements, podcasts and more. Providing direct endorsement is great, but having them comment on the challenges of the market can be equally effective. - Isabelle Dumont, Cowbell Cyber

8. Highlight Their Accomplishments And Ingenuity

When drafting press releases or creating social posts about new customers, for instance, don’t make it all about your company. Focus more on them. What makes them unique? How have they successfully transitioned their business model over the last year? A shout-out to your customers’ strengths and uniqueness goes a long way. - Marija Zivanovic-Smith, NCR Corporation

9. Identify Inspiring First-Person Success Stories

Coordinate with your customer care team to identify the most inspiring first-person success stories. In our industry, that means highlighting customers who nailed an interview or landed a dream job after using our product. This helps motivate job seekers by showing them, “You can do this too.” - Shon Dellinger, Bold, Inc

10. Put Their Logos On Your Products

A new program we have started is putting our customer logos on our products, underneath our logo. Our customers have loved this and continually comment and show off their logo on the buildings in which they have installed our product. This not only gives them free advertising, but our customers showing off their logo also shows off our brand as their partner who provided the product. - Sarah Lero, Peerless Products Inc

11. Let Them Share Success Stories In Their Own Words

People are used to hearing about your company, from your company. Shake things up and let your customers share their stories and results in their own words. There’s no one way to do this: Have them co-present at an event, connect them to a reporter, interview them for your company podcast or conduct a Q&A for your blog. No marketing campaign is more powerful than an authentic, real-world success story. - James Freeze, Interactions LLC

12. Make Sure That The Customer Also Benefits

Featuring customers in marketing materials is great for you, but what about your customer? Think about what the customer will gain from participating. Will showcasing their contributions lead to new opportunities within their company? Will a speaking opportunity or media interview about how they used your software advance their profile within the industry? Tailor your suggestions to help their story shine. - Merrily McGugan, LogicMonitor

13. Feature Them In Highly Creative Videos

Video is a fantastic tool for both marketing and for engaging with your audience in general. Including customers and partners in your video projects can be a great way to drive collaboration. However, try to take a novel approach to those videos and go beyond standard testimonials or interviews. Stay true to your brand image but be creative in the content, editing, format or other aspects of the videos. - Tom Wozniak, OPTIZMO Technologies, LLC

14. Do A Customer Appreciation Campaign

Interview your customers on why or how they engage with your organization, and promote the interview in your marketing efforts via blogs, videos or social media posts throughout the year. This will not only enhance your relationship with your customers, but also tangentially enhance your company brand with greater visibility in your customer’s networks. - Brittney Manchester, Catholic Charities of Oregon

15. Add An Element Of Competition

Even the most Zen of humans has a competitive streak. Tap into that by creating a healthy dose of rivalry among your best customers. It keeps your customers involved with your brand, further strengthening their emotional affinity with your company. Plus, when other prospects see how much fun your customers have with your brand, they might just become customers too! - Patrick Ward, Rootstrap