BloombergQuint reported recently that PayPal Wants to Be a Lot More Than an Online Checkout Button. Apparently, it wants to be a super app like WeChat and AliPay. According to the article:
“The idea came to [PayPal CEO Dan] Schulman during a dinner three years ago with Martin Lau, the president of WeChat parent company Tencent Holdings. As the two dined, a picture began forming in Schulman’s head: Consumers could come to the PayPal app for more than just paying for things online. It could be their one-stop shop for all things shopping and finance.”
Oh, you mean, like Amazon and Walmart?
The article goes on to quote Schulman as saying:
“There’s too many apps on our phones—I can’t have an app for my pharmacy, my grocery, for all the different retailers I have. I can’t have 40 to 50 different apps on my phone. I can’t remember the passwords, I don’t want to enter in all my info every time. There’s really only eight to 10 apps that we use every single day or every single week. Those apps are going to morph into what we call super apps.”
I can’t remember all my passwords either, Dan, which is why I’m grateful my iPhone has face recognition so I don’t have to remember or type anything.
Schulman’s comments remind me of how bankers used to say, in their attempts to get consumers to pay bills on bank sites, “nobody wants to hunt all over the Internet for their bills.”
Technically, the bankers were right, but in reality, nobody “hunted all over the Internet for bills”—billers sent an email every month and people replied and paid their bills.
It’s similar with Schulman’s comments. He’s right—nobody can remember 40 to 50 passwords (assuming, of course, that we don’t use the same password for every site, which I’m sure none of us do, right? RIGHT?).
So it’s really not a problem to have 40 to 50 apps on the smartphone and use eight to 10 on a daily basis. But will those eight to 10 apps really “morph into super apps?”
That begs two questions...
1) What’s a Super App?
While hardly a household term in the US—yet—the “super app” concept is often misused and misunderstood. Just selling a lot of different types of products and services on a mobile app does not make an app a super app.
Super apps are ecosystems. They’re enclosed experiences that make it easy to accomplish a wide variety of tasks—as long as the tasks occur within the walled garden.
To date, super apps don’t really exist in the US—but they’re dominant in China. A screen shot of one of the leading super apps, WeChat, demonstrates the breadth of services integrated into a single app.
The super app term is often misused here in the US because the technical aspects of a super app are misunderstood.
Super apps rely on mini programs—lightweight apps that run inside another app. They don't need to be downloaded or upgraded through app stores. They make it possible for one app to perform the service of many apps.
There are a number of benefits to mini programs including:
- Speed. Mini programs are cached on the phone, making it faster to load than a mobile app.
- User experience. Updates aren’t required with mini programs as the latest version automatically loaded.
- Integration. Mini programs are tightly integrated: >60 entry points, directly shareable in chats, deep linking to specific subpages.
- Cost. Mini programs typically cost 20% to 50% of the development cost of an app, thanks, in part, to a shorter time-to-release.
The US Isn’t a Ripe Market for a Super App
Two factors have prevented—or at least, provided resistance to—the development of super apps in the US:
- Market power. Many industries in the US are dominated by oligopolies—three to four really large firms that control 60% to 80% (or more) of an industry’s market share. A company from outside that industry trying to create a super app will be met with resistance from the oligopolies who may see themselves as potential super app creators.
- Consumer behavior and attitudes. The heterogeneity of the US population in terms of wants, needs, and desires means that the loss of choice that inevitably comes from using a super app will be rejected by a large number of Americans.
- Technology development. Super apps took hold in Asia because many consumers there owned under-powered smartphones that weren’t conducive to managing 40 to 50 separate apps. In the US, however, the majority of Americans use smartphone with plenty of horsepower.
2) What Problem Does a PayPal Super App Address?
So...consumers don’t really have a problem managing all the apps they want to keep on their mobile devices and the US (and I would argue Europe) isn’t a conducive environment for a super app. So why is PayPal so interested in becoming a super app?
Competitive pressures.
PayPal’s desire to become a super app has little to do with solving consumers’ needs than it does fending off the competition for the merchants’ relationship.
As competitors like Square, Shopify, and Stripe build out their support capabilities across the spectrum of merchants’ value chain, the networks or platforms PayPal’s competitors are building threaten to squeeze PayPal out of the picture.
PayPal’s acquisition of Honey helped the payment company move up (that is, to the left in) the value chain from payments. At the time of the acquisition, TechCrunch commented:
“PayPal’s network of 24 million merchant partners will gain the ability to offer targeted and more personalized promotions to consumers as a means of acquiring new business and driving increased sales. PayPal Credit may also be integrated into Honey to help finance larger purchases.”
PayPal focused on its merchant value chain capabilities in its February 2021 investor presentation with a slide titled “We’re building a comprehensive platform to power the global digital economyGreat companies solve real problems.”
PayPal Doesn’t Need a Super App
Great companies solve real problems. Mediocre companies make up problems to solve.
PayPal isn’t a mediocre company—it’s a great company that has consistently solved real payment problems for more than 20 years now.
That’s what makes PayPal’s super app aspirations so odd. Consumers in the US and Europe aren’t clamoring for a super app.
PayPal needs to continue building out the merchant side of its platform and forget this super app stuff.
Unless, of course, Schulman is just saying all this to fake out the competition.