Cyberpunk 2077
With no actual news to announce about Cyberpunk 2077, CDPR has been doing this thing on Twitter where they reveal various stats about the game. I don’t find most of these terribly interesting, like how many billions of Eddies people have spent at Vic the Ripperdoc, but yesterday they did a more revealing one.
CDPR says that 67.53% of players chose a relationship with Panam, the now-famous nomad character from the game. That’s over other “main” romance options like Judy, River and Kerry, except…it’s kind of not.
Cyberpunk 2077 decided to neatly box up four romance choices into Male V gay/straight options and Female V gay/straight options. Male Vs can only romance Panam or Kerry, and will be rejected by Judy or River. Female Vs can only romance Judy or River, and be rejected by Panam or Kerry. And while you can choose to have a male voice with a female body, and vice versa, the romanceable characters pick the voice, not the body (presumably due to not wanting to record more voicework).
So, if 67.53% of players chose a relationship with Panam, that means at least 67.53% of players picked a Male V (voice-wise, at least) over a female V. And my guess is that the additional Male Vs who chose Kerry wouldn’t be higher than 10%, but might be more realistically like 5%. So let’s say about 73% of Cyberpunk 2077 players chose to play as Male V.
Gender in video game stats are all over the place. Sony recently released some promising data that the number of female PS4/PS5 owners is now over 40%. But then we have stats like this, which reminds me of the old statistic that two thirds of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey players picked Alexios over Kassandra. I always cite that because it’s an example of players experiencing an outright worse game because Kassandra’s voicework, and subsequently her character, are so much better.

Cyberpunk 2077
I feel similarly about Male V versus Female V in Cyberpunk, though perhaps not quite to the Kassandra extreme. I think Male V is fine, but I will say I think Cherami Leigh’s voicework as Female V might be the best “first person” voicing I’ve ever seen in a video game, and she singlehandedly made the storyline work for me. She’s real standout in a game full of loads of other problems. And it seems like barely a quarter of Cyberpunk players got to experience her, if this data indicates what I think it does.
I’m not “scolding” here, I just think it’s interesting. Obviously it would be nice if a game like this had more women players. And I do think guys should get out of their comfort zone and play as the opposite gender from time to time (I know some do, but clearly not a ton).
Anyway, where’s that free Cyberpunk DLC that’s supposed to get here in the first half of the year?
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