Canadian singer-songwriter Grimes (Claire Elise Boucher).
Just like her partner Elon Musk, Grimes seems to want to save humanity from itself, via grand, poorly thought-out ideas that involve little more than sitting back, and letting the billionaires take care care of it.
Don’t waste time thinking about all that staggering wealth inequality, climate change, or whatever - artificial intelligence is going to swoop down and save us, somehow.
In a TikTok posted to her account on Wednesday with the caption “A.I. is the fastest path to communism,” the pop star offered her insight into the state of the world, and the limitless luxury of the future.
“So typically, most of the communists I know are not big fans of A.I,” Grimes began. “But, if you think about it, A.I. is actually the fastest path to communism.” She went on to explain, “So, if implemented correctly, A.I. could actually theoretically solve for abundance. Like, we could totally get to a situation where nobody has to work; everybody is provided for with a comparable state of being, comfortable living. A.I. could automate all the farming, weed out systematic corruption, thereby bringing us as close as possible to genuine equality.”
She concluded her proposal by adding, “So basically, everything that everybody loves about communism, but without the collective farm. ‘Cause, let’s be real, enforced farming is really not a vibe.”
The most accurate statement was surely the final sentence - enforced farming is indeed, “not a vibe.” Idyllic farming sims like Stardew Valley aside, the average urban dweller is hilariously unequipped for the simple life. One can’t deny that the “can’t someone else do it?” philosophy is extremely appealing, at least, when applied to machines.
But Grimes might have been better off opening a book (or at least skimming Wikipedia) before filming that TikTok clip - she seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what communism is. Hence, Twitter leftists leaped at the opportunity to explain what Grimes misinterpreted.
Other Twitter users poked fun at Grimes’ confident, casual ignorance, along with the irony of her being in a relationship with one of the richest men on the planet.
Communists, of course, do not envision a world devoid of work, but a world in which workers are entitled to reap the benefits from their labour. The intent is defined by the phrase, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
Before being associated with hyper-capitalist Elon Musk, Grimes appeared to be a proud anti-capitalist (and edgelord), even quoting Joseph Stalin in her senior yearbook photo.
Grimes appears to be, like so many artists that inhabit the world of the uber-wealthy, cosplaying as a revolutionary, vaguely posturing towards leftist ideas, while demonstrating a complete misunderstanding (and seemingly, a lack of interest) towards them.
And to be fair, why would she? Grimes, along with Elon Musk, doesn’t need to worry about who controls her hypothetical, godlike AI; the two are forever cushioned by the invisible safety net of immense wealth and privilege.
Maybe that future Mars settlement could use someone a bit more ... down-to-earth.