Edward Tuorinsky, Managing Principal of DTS, brings two decades of experience in management consulting and information technology services.

The expression “no pain, no gain” is one that is widely used and offers foundational wisdom that can help organizations prosper. In athletics, pain is the result of trying to improve. Often, it’s the immediate result of an intense regimen of practice, strengthening, drills or studying your opponents. If winning is important, you quickly learn that pain is good because it means you are changing. Professional athletes know they have to adapt and change to stay on top. The same goes for leaders in the business world.
Change in organizations may not result in sore muscles, but pain is still necessary to achieve success — and, importantly, to maintain it. What I sometimes see in business, unlike athletics, is those who refuse to change because they are holding on to past successes or have developed biases, unable to see their own weaknesses.
Change-averse organizations don’t change until the pain of staying the same becomes worse than the pain of changing. That’s faulty thinking. Organizations shouldn’t wait until they lose a sponsor or partner, miss the cut on a contract or watch top talent leave because they are holding tight to the status quo. Instead, leaders need to learn to leverage change to stay on top. It helps to view change — and the growing pains that come with it — in terms of three truths:
Change early and change often.
The longer you wait to make changes, the costlier they are. I’ve seen this in many medium- to large-size businesses that are experiencing rapid growth. They don’t want to make changes because things are working and they are growing. However, resisting change leads to costly reworks that could have been handled much earlier; for example, implementing quality management standards such as ISO 9000 and 9001. While it’s true that adopting these standards costs money and takes time, they are easier (and cheaper!) to implement when the company is still relatively small.
Embrace change every day.
An organization that is always looking to improve is one that is embracing change. You can’t expect to get the same results by doing the same thing over and over; each level-change in business, and every inch of hard-won competitive advantage, demands that you do more.
Embracing change does not mean you throw a wrench in things simply to say you are changing. Rather, it means you look at your organization and make adjustment to keep moving forward. If you consistently hit the longest drives on the PGA tour, would you continue to work on hitting further? No, you would focus on the other parts of your game to push to the top of the leader board. You can’t win the Masters if you’re last in putting.
Organizations need to prepare for the pain that comes from the hard work of change. Anticipate disruption. Expect iterative adjustments. Be ready to go “all in” with resources, training and culture to see results.
Remember, change drives innovation.
Innovation comes from needing to solve a problem or improve a situation. Without change and pain, there’s no reason to be inventive. Experiencing growing pains in your organization should be part of your plan. Your reason to change should be constant and tied to top-level goals and objectives.
If we have learned anything from the past 18 months, it is that change can happen to you and it helps to be open to it. That change could be fresh technology, new products or services, new clients or even a pandemic that impacts every employee. The organizations with a culture of change, with the people and processes that can switch gears and move on, have the best chance to not only survive but to thrive.
As leaders, we must become proficient at change and be an example of how to manage it, embrace it, capitalize on it and implement it. Take another look at your relationship with change and adjust that old expression to “no change, no gain.”
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