A strong onboarding process can make all the difference in a nonprofit's operations. New hires who have experienced a pleasant onboarding process are more productive and loyal to the nonprofit organization than those who hadn't. A lot of weight falls on the onboarding process—nonprofit directors need to introduce the organization's mission, values, culture and people.
If your nonprofit has been struggling with communicating the values and expectations of your organization, consider revamping the process by reviewing the 10 keys to onboarding team members from the members of Forbes Nonprofit Council. Their strategies can help you build a robust process.

Members of Forbes Nonprofit Council share strategies for developing an effective onboarding process.
Photos courtesy of the individual members.1. Start Onboarding During The Interview
Adding new team members should be energizing, but it brings uncertainty. While many organizations look to start the onboarding process after a hire is made, I've learned that the key to a successful onboarding starts in the interview. Utilizing your team to review job postings and ensuring cross-agency staff is part of the interviews minimizes uncertainty and embraces the new hire throughout the process. - Stephanie Piccirilli, Ignite
2. Start Engaging New Hires Before Their First Day
It is ideal to start engaging with new team members ahead of the joining date. This communication can be done over emails, giving details such as dress codes and a new employee checklist along with new hire paperwork. On the day of joining, a proper orientation can be held, giving a proper tour of the office and a brief overview of the organization's mission and expectations. - Patrick Coleman, GiveCentral
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3. Integrate Technology Into The Process
In revamping our onboarding process, we relied on technology to make the process more accessible and cost-effective. Recording presentations allows new staff to review the information multiple times if needed and eliminates the need for them to drive to one central location. - Kimberly Lewis, Goodwill Industries of East Texas, Inc.
4. Keep A Focus On Core Values
Be clear on why you exist and reflect on how much information overload you may have in your current onboarding process. Nonprofits work on the edges, and these edges change constantly. Subtract anything that isn't about your core existence so the new team member is set up to contribute meaningfully as you all flex to serve your community. - KellyAnn Romanych, Veterans Legal Institute
5. Set And Communicate Clear Expectations
Clear communication, expectations, accountability and well-defined core values go a long way in onboarding personnel and volunteers and engaging stakeholders. Consistency creates credibility. Channel passion with core values that provide a lane for organizational success. Make seamless, positive experiences for all those associated with the nonprofit to make engagement easier. - Aaron Alejandro, Texas FFA Foundation
6. Be Consistent And Thorough
Making sure all new team members receive the same detailed information is key to welcoming new team members. This ensures they have the tools they need to adapt, know what is expected and can succeed right from the start. A strong onboarding process also creates a good first impression, assuring new team members that they have chosen the right organization! - Victoria Burkhart, The More Than Giving Company
7. Engage Existing Team Members In The Process
New team members should see and experience an organization's culture right at the start. That means creating an onboarding process that mirrors the organization's values. Ask team members to lead the development of the process and actively participate in its implementation. - Cortney Nicolato, United Way of Rhode Island
8. Create Workshops That Everyone Participates In
It's always uncomfortable for a new team member to start a journey in a new organization. In the onboarding process, adding a couple of workshops with colleagues to discuss the progress and challenges is the best way to reinforce team spirit and self-confidence for the new member. Such immersive experience offers a sort of concrete beginning with empathy, transparency and trust. - Lobna Karoui, AI Exponential Thinker
9. Listen To Existing Members' Suggestions
Solicit and listen to existing team members' suggestions for improvement. Try to include as many peers as possible to ensure their voices are heard and allow them to be part of building a successful team. The morale of the entire team is elevated if they are an instrumental part of the process. - Ripley Tate, Web Fire Communications, Inc.
10. Combine Perspectives Of New And Existing Members
For smaller organizations that may be onboarding beginners, it's important to design a process. Pair the perspectives of those new to the organization and who are trying to understand processes and culture with the perspectives of those with years of tenure who can communicate the organization's history and trajectory. Together, they can target the essentials that jumpstart success. - Roy Speckhardt, American Humanist Association